Choose Your Own Adventure Subscription!
Choose Your Own Adventure Subscription!
This subscription gets you extra value each week and YOU GET TO DECIDE what you want you want to eat. By subscribing to a Choose Your Own Adventure Subscription you'll be saving AT LEAST 10% each week on your order. The higher your subscription each week, the more you'll save!
You can choose absolutely anything from our online menu: meals, soups, desserts, pickles, ferments, freshly baked focaccia and more! Our menu changes weekly so you'll always have something new to choose from.
Each week on Tuesday your nominated amount is deducted from your account and you have until midday Sunday to make your selection. If you don't make your selection by then, we'll make it for you (based on the dietaries you provide via a follow up email)
Your selection is made via the website and using your own unique discount code which gives you extra value as a reward for being a weekly SLOW food customer.
All subscriptions have a minimum of two weeks' delivery, after that, you can cancel at any time. Please note that 7 days notice is needed to cancel a subscription (ie you need to cancel a week before your delivery arrives)